Saturday, March 7, 2009

40 Day meeting?

Hey TCP'ers...I missed the last 40 day meeting because I got snowed in, on a trip up to DC. I emailed Melanie to find out the scoop on when the last meeting will be but have not heard from her. Does anybody know the plan? Is there a meeting this coming Monday (Mar 9th) or was the last meeting moved to the week of Mar 16th?? Thanks.

Looking forward to our first weekend back!


more non-baptiste yoga!!!!

hey guys. just wanted to let you all know i will be going to the 9am class at yoga life tomorrow SUNDAY morning, this is the yoga center at baymeadows and southside- just thought i'd let u guys know and see if anyone would like to join! have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

yoga classes

hey TCPers! how's it going?
i just wanted to let you all know that i will be going to the 5:30 class tomorrow at BLISS yoga in san marco if anyone or everyone would like to join me!! its a "warriors flow" class. from 5:30 to 7:00
hope ur all doing well! see you soon :)